Meet Sonni.

Sonni is a dedicated and empathetic professional at the intersection of faith and mental health. As a Board Certified Christian Counselor, Biblical Counselor, Register Clinical Social Worker Intern and Trauma Coach Practitioner affiliated with USF, Sonni brings a wealth of expertise to her practice. With a background in and focus on trauma, grief, identity/self-worth and relationships, Sonni's mission extends beyond her practice, actively working to bridge the gap between faith-based and mental health communities.

Sonni is the founder of Heart and Home Community Inc., a non-profit organization committed to empowering individuals, through community and psycho-education, to develop essential mental and emotional health strategies for healing. Sonni is also the creator of the Wake Up Queen podcast where she shares her story along with stories of other women alike, who are embracing the journey of healing .

Remember that healing is not just a straight path to completion, but a journey walked with patience, compassionate, education, and community.

Click here to connect with Sonni on social media

Let’s journey together!